Complaints Procedure

We strive to provide all our clients and customers with the agreed services. However, if something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from us you should tell us immediately. Please raise any concerns you have in the first instance with the person undertaking the work for you or one of our directors.

Orange autumn leaves in the forefront of the photo with a parkland behind

What will happen to your complaint?

1. We will contact you within ten working days of receipt of your complaint to acknowledge that we have received it.

2. We will consider your complaint carefully and investigate it. This may involve:

  • Discussing your complaint with the individual(s) who has provided services to you;
  • Examining the services provided, the work that has been done for you and any advice that has been given;
  • Asking you for further information or clarification if required; and
  • Where appropriate, arranging for you to meet with us to discuss the complaint.

3. We will contact you within 30 working days of receipt of your complaint setting out the outcome and our reasoning or, if further investigation is required, setting out what is being done and when you will hear from us again.

4. In the event that you are dissatisfied with the outcome then you may contact us to discuss this. Where the services related to an area or individual subject to which additional rules apply or for which we are subject to a professional body, such as the Architecture Board, you may then raise the complaint with such body.

5. In addition, alternative complaint resolution procedures and bodies (such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration) are available and we would encourage you to make use of one or more of these.

A path in Westonbirt Arboretum with trees on each side

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