Autumn news and views

By William Fry | 27.10.23

This November we will be out and about hosting and attending various events, all of which look set to be fascinating.

I am delighted to share that we will be supporting The Royal Countryside Fund to deliver a two-day seminar for those involved in projects funded by their Supporting Rural Communities grants. This conference will look at the barriers and success factors for rural community projects and how positive outcomes can be shared, developed, and promoted nationwide – something that we are passionate about!

We will be discussing rural matters at two flagship events in November, with Sally Ormiston, our Head of Consulting chairing a session on ‘Diversification with a Difference’ at the Farm Business Innovation Show, and our Non-Executive Director, Heather Hancock speaking on the role of business in protecting the environment at the CLA Rural Business Conference.

We will also be hosting two of our own national Rural Roundtable events – one on natural capital in Cambridge and one looking at the rural leisure sector to be held in London. We are looking forward to welcoming our guests for what we know will be two very insightful sessions in this series of roundtables with industry experts and landowners.

Planning in focus

Our newsletter is heavy on planning content this time around – and deliberately so, with planning remaining a hot topic in the run up to the General Election, almost certainly in 2024. Our Head of Planning, Nicole Wright shares her thoughts on planning reform, and we also cover what’s what with biodiversity net gain and permitted development.

Different projects require different strategies when it comes to navigating the planning system for rural development and with an impressive track record in gaining planning consents in sensitive locations such as listed and heritage settings, and designated landscapes, our Planning Team continues to deliver results for our clients.

With numerous consents this year, I think our reputation as one of the most successful planning teams in the country is deserved.

Dyson Farming commented ‘Rural Solutions think and do differently. They are on the front foot, pragmatic and know instinctively where there is most value and what matters.’

I am also pleased to share another project success for the 200-year-old Foley House, finding a sustainable future and providing homes in a rural community once again through its redevelopment into apartments. A great example of how our fantastic team is enabling rural development.




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