Norfolk Local Plans Bulletin - Breckland
By Nicole Wright | 25.01.24
We are now well into the new year with a general election on the horizon. We have compiled local plan updates which we hope will provide clarity on the planning framework to guide important decisions. This update reports on the status of local plans in Breckland, Norfolk.
Breckland Local Plan
A New Breckland Local Plan is underway, and the council is currently running a second consultation on the Regulation 18 Issues and Options following review of the feedback shared in the first Issues and Options consultation which raised further questions. The council would like to consider additional key issues related to growth across the district. The current consultation closes on 19th February 2024.
Views are invited on:
- Sustaining rural community services and which parishes have been identified as Local Service Centres.
- Further measures to protect Breckland’s countryside and different ways to think about defining settlements – towns and villages – across the district.
- Alternative development strategy options to help decide the best way to accommodate future growth in Breckland.
- Potential development sites and a new proposed criteria on deciding which sites shared during the Call for Sites might be suitable.
Breckland will be holding public consultation events on:
- Thursday 1st February 2024 from 10am to 1pm at Attleborough Charter Market
- Tuesday 6th February 2024 from 10am to 1pm at Dereham Market
The next stage of consultation is scheduled in Spring 2024.
If you will be planning new development in the district over the next 25 years then this plan will affect you.
For more information on the current consultation please follow this link.
If you would like to learn more or require assistance in submitting representations on the plan, please contact
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