Nothing says Christmas like a new NPPF

By James Ellis | 20.12.23

James Ellis, Director of Planning, unwraps the new National Planning Policy Framework and finds no surprises, but there are glimmers of light and some opportunities.

Yesterday, Michael Gove announced the release of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), delivering an early Christmas present to those of us who are excited by such things!

However, after a big build up, some have called it a compromise, others a capitulation. We take a different, more balanced view, choosing cautious optimism and anticipation of more to come in 2024.

A gift for rural development?

Unwrapping the new NPPF, there are no game changers and from a rural development perspective there are unlikely to be notable implications. There are however some missed opportunities to bemoan and where changes are made to the ‘big ticket’ matters - how housing targets are calculated at a local authority level and whether Green Belt must be released for housing - accusations of pre-election position taking may not be without merit.

However, looking into the detail there could be several opportunities.

There is increasing focus on creating beautiful places - something that the countryside has an inherent advantage in. Many estates and rural landowners are custodians of assets rich in heritage and have created historic buildings and landscapes treasured today. As the original rural place-makers many are embarking upon exciting plans for the legacy projects of the future with new homes, enterprises, and community facilities.

Design quality and enhancing already beautiful places are a key driver for these developments. Policy support for beautiful places and buildings will be welcomed by many of our clients as recognition of the importance of what they have always delivered and so can only benefit from a higher priority placed on the aesthetics of development.

Another opportunity is the increased policy support for sites brought forward by landowners for self-build and custom build housing. Rural Solutions is proud to have worked on several well-designed self- and custom-build housing developments, including a site which went on to win a national award.

For any rural landowners with existing buildings that could be converted to housing, especially in Green Belt areas, the limited effect of other policy changes in the document to open land up for development may be to make the provision of housing from sites with existing buildings even more valuable to meeting the housing needs of local authorities.

If it ‘ain’t broke’

Perhaps the most positive news is that many of the policies in the document which impact upon rural landowners haven’t changed at all. First introduced in 2012, the NPPF delivered a rebalancing of national policy that was more supportive of development in the countryside. It has taken time for local authority decision makers to catch up, but we continue to see gradual shifts in approach at local authority level and more positive conversations with stakeholders and ambitious landowners looking to help meet rural housing need and create a prosperous rural economy.

The policy enabling the delivery of a new generation of country houses remains, albeit with an ‘other’ identity change (the Paragraph 80 ‘Gummer clause’ is now Paragraph 84) and there is support for schemes that deliver the enhancement of the natural environment; all areas where we’ve continued to be so active this year.

Whatever its faults, the new 2023 NPPF provides a great policy basis for many rural landowners to promote sensitive and sustainable developments which respect, protect and enhance the countryside.

New year, new opportunities

Looking ahead there are more opportunities to come. Notably the anticipated response to the consultation around broadening the scope of permitted development rights which, if adopted, will create new opportunities for the conversion of rural buildings into valuable new housing and commercial developments.

Of course, there will also be a general election in which the countryside is likely to enjoy greater prominence, and which could create new opportunities for rural landowners.

As we close out the year, there is much to be positive about from a rural planning perspective.

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Main image: (c) Campbell Driver Partnership Architects



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