Our response to the government’s planning policy consultation

By James Ellis & Nicole Wright | 15.10.24

The government’s proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) are aimed at unlocking development and driving growth. We support the move but believe the changes need to go further to support the rural sector.

The government is proposing to make changes to the NPPF to unlock development and drive growth. At Rural Solutions, we support many of the changes proposed and welcome the moves to address the housing emergency and deliver green economic growth across the country.

However, while these are potentially seismic changes, we believe the recognition of the need for change and growth in rural areas should be more overt. The ‘trickle down’ opportunities for rural areas arising from higher levels of growth spread out across urban is insufficient. Changes to planning policy focussed on enabling sustainable rural development could help unlock the potential of the countryside.

In this blog we look at the NPPF consultation and our response to it.

Rural Solutions’ response to the NPPF consultation

To tackle some of the deep structural issues affecting rural areas and maximise the potential they hold to deliver against the government’s agenda, we believe there is further opportunity to revise the NPPF to support rural areas.

In our response to the consultation, we set out five areas of opportunity where we believe planning policy changes could help to power up rural places.

Opportunity one – support for much needed rural housing

Amplify policy support for new housing in rural areas and for small and medium scale developers to ensure homes needed for the revival and long-term sustainability of rural communities are delivered.

Opportunity two – recognise the contribution rural and land-based sectors make to national economic growth and renewal

Recognise the contribution that rural places do – and importantly can, make to national growth; ensure planning policy enables the creation and expansion of enterprises in rural areas, particularly those contributing to job creation and ‘green growth’.

Opportunity three – support the role of landowner-led plans in delivering strategic, well-planned development, land use change and growth

Recognise the benefits that landowner-led plans bring in terms of quality and sustainability of development; increase collaboration between local authorities and landowners to create long term strategies to deliver well-planned development.

Opportunity four – recognise the role of development as a catalyst for environmental change and investment

Acknowledge that rural development is often a catalyst for investment in environmental change; consider this fact when assessing development proposals that are integrated with wider environmental enhancements such as eco-tourism linked to rewilding schemes, and which policy might not otherwise support.

Opportunity five – recognise the role development plays in enhancing water cycle management and reducing flood risk

Revise the ‘sequential test’ approach to flood risk in the planning system – where proposals can be proven to be both safe from flood risk and deliver net benefits in hydrological management for a local area.

Act now to benefit from the opportunities ahead

The government’s intentions to change national policy and promote growth, were made clear well before the release of a consultation draft national planning policy framework and the consultation draft reflects pro-growth messages.

Whether rural planning policy is more overtly enabled or not in the final revised publication, the pressure from higher targets for housing and support for growth will result in more development to meet the needs of our rural areas.

Many landowners and local authorities are already reacting to what they see as inevitable outcomes in terms of changes to national planning policy and housing targets. Rural landowners need to act now to identify opportunities and ensure they are prepared.

Get in touch

We continue to work with clients across the country to make strong and successful planning cases for high quality rural development. If you would like to understand how the upcoming changes might present opportunities for your development ambitions, please get in touch by emailing planning@ruralsolutions.co.uk or calling us on 01756 797501.



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