South Downs National Park Authority Local Plan Review

By Rural Solutions | 22.01.25

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) has opened a key consultation on its new Local Plan. It is an opportunity for landowners, developers and estate managers to comment on the plan and help shape local planning policy.

On completion, the plan will set out future planning policies and allocation of sites that will influence where and what development can take place in the National Park until 2042.

Last chance to contribute

Landowners, developers and estate managers wishing to comment on the plan and help shape local planning policies in the future should act now. If you have sites where there is an intention to promote development, or to adopt a different land use type, these proposals should be submitted for consideration before the plan is finalised.

Find out more, and contribute to the SDNPA Local Plan review here.

A wealth of experience

Rural Solutions have a wealth of experience working in the South Downs area with landowners and developers. We have produced several Whole Estate Plans which have been endorsed by the National Park including for the Wiston and Glynde estates.

The Wiston Whole Estate Plan was the first in the country to be formally accepted as a material planning consideration following endorsement via the statutory Local Planning Authority committee process.

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss the opportunities the SDNPA consultation presents or whether a Whole Estate Plan is appropriate for your landholding, please contact our team on 01756 797501 or email


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