Webinar: Proposed changes to the NPPF
By Rural Solutions | 28.08.24
Rural Solutions is hosting a webinar on Tuesday 17th September to discuss the publication draft of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and what it means for rural landowners. Read on for more details and to register your interest.
Rarely has planning made headline news to the same degree as it did this summer, with the new government releasing details of a suite of proposed planning changes which could impact the rural sector in many ways.
The most notable change is the recent release of a consultation on an updated NPPF. The consultation closes on Wednesday 25th September 2024.
To help you stay informed, Rural Solutions is hosting a webinar where the team will be discussing proposed changes and how these will impact you.
Webinar: Proposed changes to the NPPF
Tuesday 17th September
12pm to 1 pm
If you would like to find out more about the NPPF consultation and other changes proposed to the planning system, please join us at our webinar.
Senior members of our planning team will be delivering a presentation and will be on hand to answer questions. The webinar will be informative and offer practical advice on how the new NPPF could provide benefits.
Key topics for discussion
- The mandate for the revised standard methodology for calculating the housing target across the country, increasing our overall national housing target from 300,000 to 370,000 per annum.
- What the focus on housing numbers and other related changes mean for the countryside and rural landowners.
- The proposed changes to Green Belt policy and the introduction of Grey Belt land.
- Whether the requirement of 10 percent of all local plan allocations for small sites should be mandatory.
- What you should be doing to maximise opportunities now and in the long term, secure land allocations in local plans, planning permissions, development and land use change.
- The preliminary response from local councils to the proposed changes to the NPPF.
Register your interest
Please register your interest by emailing events@ruralsolutions.co.uk
Further details and how to join will be issued in early September.
We look forward to seeing you there.
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